Add to What's On

Add my event to the listing

What is on in Ruislip

View the "What's On" listings

A few rules:

This listing is free and for regular events only and not "one off" events. 

These events must take place in Ruislip or very close.

If you are offering something outside of Ruislip and there is already a similar event in Ruislip your listing will not qualify for inclusion. By example, if there is Yoga being offered in Ruislip then a class offered in Pinner (say) will not be included. All events must be broadly in the Ruislip area to be listed. 

You must provide some sort of contact information that will be published on the listing, be that a phone number, e-mail address or web site. One of these will appear on the listing. 

The default is any web site address will be linked, then e-mail and finally a telephone number. 

All listings are reviewed from time to time, if you fail to respond to any request to confirm your event is still current it will be removed, likewise if your web site link seems dead your listing will be removed.

Generally this listing is meant for small "fun" events such as social events, hobbies, pastimes etc. 

We will edit and amend your entry as required. 

Full url please (if any)Comments about your listing not covered in the boxes above INCLUDING PRICES